- Longitud del Bus: 12 Metros
- Rago de Operacion: 250Km(155Miles)
- Tiempo de Operacion con Bateria Cargada : 16 horas
- Tiempo para Cargar la Bateria: 5 horas
The Marseille transit agency (Réseau des Transports Marseillais/RTM) recently put its first 12-meter electric bus into service, according to recent reports. The move marks the first time that a 12-meter electric bus has been deployed in revenue service in France.
The new Irizar i2e electric bus is now serving on line 82 / 82S of RTM’s network in the famous French city. Presumably, a rollout to other lines will follow in the future if all goes well.
The Irizar i2e electric bus now in service features a 374 kilowatt-hour (kWh) battery-pack, and provides a single-charge range of between 200 and 250 kilometers (125 to 155 miles). The bus was designed to be used for a full day without charging — with a 5-hour charge period providing enough juice to go 14 to 16 hours, roughly.
Previous to this deployment, RTM began operating an electric micro-shuttle around the Old Port area (starting back in 2013). The transit agency is also currently piloting 2 hybrid buses.
Con relación al transporte eléctrico en Lima, considero: (1) adquirir buses eléctricos para la ruta del Urbanito. (2) Taxis eléctricos para operar en el Centro de lima y distritos cercanos. (3) Buses híbridos articulados y bi articulados(gas/ electricidad) para los corredores viales (tipo Van Hool). (4)Y por supuesto migrar el Metropolitano a un tranvía, como lo esta haciendo Colombia (Tranvía Ayacucho, Medillin, otros)