sábado, 27 de febrero de 2021

Innovation in Railways: Decarbonization And Infrastructure-Inspecting Drones

Today, we start a series of videos dedicated to a topic that is now relevant more than ever before - innovations in railway traffic! 

Among others, there are zero-emission hydrogen trains, advanced autonomous trains able to handle even emergency situations, drone-based automation of infrastructure maintenance, implementation of 4G technology in train management systems, implementation of big data technology for improving the safety, security and reliability of rail infrastructure, artificial intelligence used for real-time traffic simulations and delay forecasting, variable railway bogies allowing a single train to operate at two or even more different track gauges and many, many other. 

There’s a good reason why innovations find their way to railways so easily. On one hand, rail technology continues to develop as rail customers are demanding faster, safer and more reliable service, while on the other, the railway system is, by definition, suitable for automation of certain processes due to fact that the freedom of movement of trains is, well, taken away by the rails. 

However, as this aspect of railways has been always super interesting to us, we decided to share with you some thoughts, and to introduce you with the recent trends in this field. As, of course, it is impossible to cover all rail-related technological breakthroughs and innovation trends in one single video, we are now going to speak only about two - decarbonization and automation of infrastructure maintenance. 

Now, let’s start!


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